Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 31

So one whole month has gone by, I have done pretty well with the clean vegan eating, there have been a few foods Ive indulged in that are not vegan, but I dont beat myself up, I just go on and keep eating well. This morning I weighed myself and I am down a total of 12.2 pounds for the first month. The other great accomplishment is I was able to fit into my old jeans again :) I had intended for my oldest daughter to take a pic of me today, but it didnt happen so maybe I will post an updated pic tomorrow. I am considering this weightloss an answer to prayer. I prayed that God would help me with this. My stomach is still not feeling great. I hope that it is a gallbladder issue and not something more serious.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

day 10

So I am down 6.4 pounds after ten days. I have been following my food plan very well. Yesterday I ate more oil. I am hoping for a bigger loss next week. Today I did 15 minutes of pilates. I am going to try to do some kind of work out daily. Even if its only riding the bike for a few minutes. I am also hoping that it help with my back pain. Until next time.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 7

One week has past of the new year already, I have stuck pretty closely with the Forks Over Knives plan. I have lost 6 pounds so far. I have not had any soda or sugar, eggs or dairy. My stomach is still feeling messed up. I am hoping that it will start to feel better soon. I am exhausted so off to bed. Maybe I will post more tomorrow.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 3

The end of day 2 we went bowling and I shared a large root beer with my hubby. It tasted so good. We bowled two games and I got my highest score ever on the second game, 121. It also made helped my back pain. I woke up this morning and my back was hurting pretty bad. The best part of my morning: stepping on the scale and another 2.4 pounds gone. A total of 5 pounds gone woohoo! I did housework this morning then we had a lazy afternoon and a relaxing evening. The swelling in my lower legs is down about 70%, at least that's my guess.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 2 So far so good

Day one went very well. Today is day two, my low back is hurting pretty badly. It has been bothering me since just before Christmas. I am hoping that the new lifestyle changes I'm making will help improve this issue. Today we stayed home and watched GYC on 3ABN. It was a blessing. I enjoy hearing Mark Finley speak. The topic today was regarding Daniel and how he didn't compromise his faith when he was younger and it stuck with him when he was old. Temperance keeps our minds clear so we can think clearly.

I stepped on the scale this morning and have lost 2.6 pounds since yesterday. I am sure it's water weight. I am happy with it just the same. The swelling that I have had in my lower legs has been pretty scary. I know that means something wasn't working right, be it the heart, kidneys, etc. My ankles are mildly swollen today. Much better than they have been in the last week. Today so far I have had a smoothie of banana, pineapple, orange, and almond milk for breakfast, and for lunch I ate some leftover mushrooms along with leftovers from last night, and a salad made with lettuce, black olives, green onions, a few tomatoes and celery with spices and a dash of balsamic vinegar. It was surprisingly good.

My DS is going to stay over with a school mate tonight and then will be returning to school tomorrow. He won't be back home again until April. This makes me a little sad, but I will be travelling out to see him at school for a few events in the coming months so I will still get to see him. This year is going so fast. He will be graduating and then off to college.

We are going bowling tonight with an old coworker of mine. I'm sure it will be a blast. I just hope my back will let me bowl too. Until tomorrow ttfn.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year, again.

Dieting sucks! That is a major truth. I also tend to throw in the towel quickly. Last year I went 5 months mostly without sugar and lost a total of 17 pounds because of it. Then I started eating sugar again and drinking soda again and bam I gained all the weight back along with some extra. As of today I am at my highest weight ever. I am feeling so fat, sick, and nearly dead. My clothes dont fit, I am uncomfortable or in pain most of the time. Today has to be the day for a serious change. It is my goal to go vegan this year and to use the Forks Over Knives plan to do it. My job changed this last year and now I sit all day which has increased the weight gain. So lets see how this year goes. I have a meal plan for this week that is vegan, sugar free, and oil free. Praying for God to help me to stick with this. After talking with one of my best friends I am encouraged and ready to do this. Also Day One went very well. I had a smoothie for breakfast, an apple midday, and supper was cabbage, sausage and potatoes, with very little salt and some pepper. Just water to drink, no soda, and so far no caffeine withdrawal headache.The pictures below are me on day one weighing in at 277.4 and BMI is 44.8. I hope that these numbers improve and I start feeling better soon.


So here we are 25 days into the new year, and I am down 8 pounds. It has been going pretty well with not eating sugar. I haven't been super strict with it like reading all labels and avoiding all sugar but I have been avoiding the big ones like cakes, cookies, candy, soda, etc. I still eat ketchup with my fries, and bbq sauce. I got my gym membership back and went once last week I plan to go more often this week. I am going today and plan to explore the gym a little more today and do the twelve minute abs workout and then do some time on the stair stepper. So things are going well.